Tabish Khair (International) assertion Tabish Khair i(6548096 works by)
Gender: Male
Heritage: Indian British
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1 y separately published work icon Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires : Dark Blood (International) assertion Tabish Khair (editor), Johan Anders Höglund (editor), Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan , 2013 6548315 2013 multi chapter work criticism

'Long before the publication of Bram Stokers Dracula, vampires have eagerly transgressed the borders of gender, race, class, propriety, and nations. Such fervent violations of boundaries intensified during the final years of the twentieth century, and the early years of the current millennium have been known as 'the decade of the vampire'. Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires is a unique and timely collection that examines the past and present vampire narrative as a postcolonial and transnational phenomenon. Through a series of important contributions by well-known scholars in the field, it illustrates how vampires have mapped and continues to map the fear of the Other, the ravenous hunger of Empires and the transcultural rifts and intercultural common grounds that make up global society today. The collection is framed by a foreword by Elleke Boehmer and an afterword in the form of a poetic intervention by David Punter.' (Source: University of Wollongong website)