y separately published work icon Cultural Studies Review periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: Emotional Geographies
Issue Details: First known date: 2013... vol. 19 no. 2 2013 of Cultural Studies Review est. 2002 Cultural Studies Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2013 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
To Love - To Live : Barrow and Cart, Vicki Crowley , Lisa McDonald , single work prose

'From the residue of meaning, an ensemble of shadows. From the glint of souvenir, pliable impressions. In this paper, we work a poetics of encounter, of being, keeping, homage, of paying homage to fragility, to object and to interspecies—ways are found to engage motion from within and around co-extensive bodies. With the consolation of images, we follow the terse rhythms of routine and street where dwelling is a case of affective dissent. Zones of departure appear through testimony as well as chance, taking their own form. A footfall brings us as observers into quiet spaces which refuse self-estrangement as we travel by way of an unquiet ground. Breath, respiration, aspiration. Precipitation. Sculptures of mist are also the language of lives, of kinship between object, footfall and air. A language of brackets, questions, ellipses. There may be a man, a dog, a barrow. There may be a woman, a cart. Air. How shall this image be made?' (Authors abstract)

The Emotion of Truth and the Racial Uncanny : Aborigines and Sicilians in Australia, Francesco Ricatti , single work criticism