Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate:
1) a critical understanding of the dynamic relationship between popular culture and ideologies of Australian national identity;
2) an in-depth knowledge of selected texts and case studies;
3) the ability to review and critique these texts and case studies; and
4) core skills in written and oral communication in textual and audio-visual media.
Course Content:
Topics include:
* Key concepts and methods in Cultural Studies
* The myth of the bush
* Constructing the national type
* Diggers and heroes: the ANZAC legend on film
* Sex, romance and marriage in post-war women's magazines
* The Crocodile Dundee phenomenon:
* Women, Suburbia and Comedy:
* Multiculturalism and Teen Culture
* Popular Culture and the History Wars
* Popular representations of Aboriginality
Written Assignment, 2,000 words (50%)
Presentation: small group, 1,000 words (25%)