Life Writing (CWRI40006 (106-480))
Semester 1 / 2010


This subject explores a variety of life narratives including letters, biographies and memoirs from various periods and cultures including contemporary Australian examples. Students will read from texts about theoretical approaches which explore the nature of memory, questions of subjectivity and self-representation as well as the ethical dimensions of writing about the lives of others. The subject will involve applied writing in workshops including exercises in various styles and approaches to autobiography.


Students completing this subject will:

* be able to engage with the theoretical and creative aspects of the variety of life narratives such as memoir, biography and letters;

* be able to articulate informed views on recent developments in the fields of life writing, including aspects of memory, subjectivity and ethical responsibility; and

* be able to produce to a high level writing, both creative and theoretical, in selected areas of life writing.


An essay of 2000 words which engages with one or more of the theoretical considerations within the field of autobiography 40% (due in week 8), a piece of the student's own autobiographical writing totalling 3,000 words 50% (due at end of semester), regular attendance and participation in tutorials and workshops is required and the maintenance of a Reading Journal, recording class exercises and reading 10% (due at end of semester).

Other Details

Levels: Undergraduate - Honours