Issue Details: First known date: 1838... vol. 4 no. 321 21 November 1838 of Commercial Journal and Advertiser est. 1835 Commercial Journal and Advertiser
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* Contents derived from the , 1838 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Royal Victoria Theatre : Valsha &c., single work advertisement

Advertisement for performance at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, on 22 November 1838 of the 'Drama in Three Acts, entitled Valsha' and a 'Farce called Valet de Sham'. and 'the Song of "The Rover", by Mr. Falchon [Arthur Falchon]'.

At the head of the advertisement '[t]he public is most respectfully informed, that in consequence of the prevailing malady now raging in Sydney, the Proprietor deems it necessary to close the Theatre ... until 26th December.'

(p. 2)
Inest Sua Gratia Parvis, single work advertisement

An advertisement, dated 20 November 1838, announcing to 'Subscribers and Friends' that Suttor's selected work Original Poetry '(with a faithful portrait of the Author)' is 'now ready for sale .. of Mr James Tegg, Bookseller and Printer, George-street, Sydney.'

(p. 2)
Untitled, Matthew Measure , single work correspondence

In this correspondence the author describes the reason for sending the editor of the Commercial Journal and Advertiser the story 'Typhon' (published in the Journal below the letter). The work is 'one of a series extracted from our weekly paper' a paper in manuscript started on board ship. 'Many of the articles caused great amusement' writes the author and having observed that the Journal 'generally reserve some portion of your columns for humourous or amusing literature,... [the author] thought the accompanying genuine production might perhaps prove acceptable.' The author offers other works if 'upon your perusal you deem it worthy [of] notice'.

The author seems to have contributed 'Typhon' and other pieces under the series title 'Papers from My Portfolio'. In subsequent issues of the Commercial Journal works published from the series reveal that the 'weekly paper' was called the 'Traveller'.

AustLit has not yet established the existence of the paper.

(p. 4)