Literature for Children and Young Adults (ALL783)
Trimester 2 / 2013


No texts listed.


This unit examines the various meanings and modes of the diverse group of writings (memoir, biography, autobiography and ficto-criticism) brought together under the term of 'life writing'. The unit offers theoretical perspectives on life writing and related issues (to do with identity, agency, embodiment, memory, testimony, and truth) and the opportunity to undertake practically in a mode of life writing in the light of such theory. The aim is to encourage students to engage (both critically and creatively) with issues-to do with identity, life stories, and experience-that highlight the complex and complementary relationship between 'life' and 'writing'.


Two essays (one critical, one creative) (2x 50%) 100%

Other Details

Offered in: 2010, 2011, 2012
Current Campus: Burwood (Melbourne), External
Levels: Postgraduate