y separately published work icon The Oxford History of the Irish Book, Volume V anthology   bibliography   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 2011... 2011 The Oxford History of the Irish Book, Volume V
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* Contents derived from the Oxford, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Oxford University Press , 2011 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Harp in the South : Reading Ireland in Australia, Patrick Buckridge , single work criticism

'The Australian branch of the modern Irish diaspora has several apparently distinctive features, when compared with the British, American and Canadian branches. As explained by the historian Oliver MacDonagh, these include, firstly, its large size in relation to the total population – over 30% in the eastern mainland states, and sustained at that level down to the First World War and beyond; secondly, its unusually uniform distribution around the country, geographically, socially and even occupationally, with relatively strong Irish presences in all states, and in all classes and occupations (except the higher financial professions), but notably the law, politics, journalism and teaching; and thirdly their unique position within the diaspora,as a founding people, arriving at the beginning of European settlement (mainly as convicts and soldiers), and thereby staking a claim, and an interest, in the shape and destiny of the nation as a whole.' (Author's introduction)

(p. 440-461)