Legal fictions: Bodies, image, discourse (ENH4195)


This unit critically explores traditional 'law and literature' debates. It explores the way in which the signifiers 'law' and 'literature' function in this context. It then examines a number of critical approaches to law, from Critical Legal Studies, Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory and Feminism. The unit will then focus specifically on the theory of discourse analysis as developed through the work of Foucault and Fairclough. It will then consider Australian feminist legal scholarship, with a particular emphasis on the question of bodies, narrative and textuality. Students will read several Australian High Court judgements over the semester and a range of literary texts.


Seminar paper: 20% (1500 words)

Short essay: 30% (3000 words)

Major essay: 40% (4500 words)

Participation: 10%

Other Details

Levels: Undergraduate - Honours