y separately published work icon Aumla periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... no. 118 November 2012 of Aumla est. 1953 Aumla
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* Contents derived from the , 2012 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Resurrection and Apotheosis : The Greek Basis of Brennan's '1908', Michael Buhagiar , single work criticism (p. 1-16)
The Art of Penning the March Hare In : The Treatment of Insanity in Australian Total Institution Fiction, Jean-François Vernay , single work criticism

'The treatment of psychological disorders of all kinds and, more largely, of the deterioration of the mind, gradually made its mark in Australian novels in the early 1970s and gave rise to a series of books concerned with mental health issues. The six narratives I have selected for this study-David Ireland's The Flesheaters (1972), Walter Adamson's The Institution (1976), Peter Kocan's two you-narration novellas The Treatment (1980) and The Cure (1983), Carmel Bird's The White Garden (1995), and Amy Witting's Isobela on the Way to the Corner Shop (1999)-all partake of this new trend. This belated literary awakening to insanity is all the stranger seeing that creativity and madness have often been paired, both being particularly apt at articulating the relationship between freedom and constraint, mental representation and reality, the individual and society.' (Author's introduction)

(p. 87-103)