
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art (ARTH2098) Semester 2 / 2008
Australian Crimes (ENGL2081) Semester 1 / 2014
Contemporary Australian Writing (ENGL2011) Semester 1 / 2009
Contemporary Australian Writing (ENGL2011) Semester 2 / 2011
Creative Writing (ENGL2076) Semester 1 / 2010
Creative Writing (ENGL2076) Semester 1 / 2014
Creative Writing 2: Story into Script (ENGL2077) Semester 2 / 2009
Creative Writing 2: Story into Script (ENGL2077) Semester 2 / 2010
Creative Writing 2: Story into Script (ENGl2077) Semester 2 / 2014
Creative Writing : Story into Script (ENGL2077) Semester 2 / 2012
Introduction to Australian Literature (ENGL1004) Semester 1 / 2010
Introduction to Australian Literature (ENGL1004) Semester 1 / 2009
Introduction to the Novel (ENGL1008) Semester 2 / 2010
Introduction to the Novel (ENGL1008) Semester 2 / 2009
Introduction to the Novel (ENGL1008) Semester 2 / 2011
Introduction to the Novel (ENGL1008) Semester 2 / 2012
Life Writing (GEND2016) Semester 2 / 2010
Literature and Human Rights (ENGL2082) Semester 1 / 2014
Modern Australian Drama (ENGL2108) Semester 1 / 2014