'Stella keeps losing things: her books, her car, her daughter. She writes post-it notes to help her remember but everything keeps wandering away. Her son, Kidd, is helping her transition from the family home into aged care. As he packs up her life, together, they unpack a lifetime of stories.
'Wanderings is an intimate play about the things that matter most. It explores the challenges, demands and heart-opening opportunities of changing family dynamics and shifting identities through the eyes of a transgender son and his mother who is living with dementia.
'When Stella's present-day dementia-affected behaviour meets Kidd’s newfound sense of self, we witness an unravelling and reweaving of this mother and son relationship. The family home is ghosted with Kidd’s childhood experiences of gender dysphoria, alongside Stella’s fading memories of family life.'
Source: Queensland Theatre Company.