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Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Generosity : 2020 ACU Prize for Poetry
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* Contents derived from the North Sydney, North Sydney - Lane Cove area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,:Australian Catholic University , 2020 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Not Reluctantlyi"Mind thought, and the birds flew out,", P. S. Cottier , single work poetry (p. 1)
The Scholarship Boyi"He stood by the shed of the woolshed in a checked flannel", E. A. Gleeson , single work poetry (p. 2-3)
Jerichoi"I didn't mean to stop. Believe me.", Geoff Page , single work poetry (p. 4-7)
When Less Is Morei"A village", Bea Jones , single work poetry (p. 8-10)
Solid Soili"As the waves roll slowly to the shore", Maria Ternezis , single work poetry (p. 11-12)
A Gift from the Dead Seai"My life has overlapped", Patricia O'Heare , single work poetry (p. 13-15)
Dichotomyi"'An elegant solution. Parsimonious.'", Valerie Volk , single work poetry (p. 16-18)
Kite at Williamstowni"Listen, he entreated briefly,", Mary Wickham , single work poetry (p. 19)
Life with Mr. Parkinsoni"You arrive late for breakfast", Rob Wallis , single work poetry (p. 20-23)
Generous Days : Barraba, New South Walesi"Cane sewing baskets are inherited,", Ivan Head , single work poetry (p. 24-26)
In the Kitcheni"We come back from flying", Doris Brett , single work poetry (p. 27-29)
The Supermarket Carparki"She arrives at the supermarket late as the younger woman struggles with the trolley", Vicky Ireland , single work poetry (p. 30-32)
On William Robinson's Later Harvesti"Lavender in the bird-bath, scarlet scattered", Kathryn Fry , single work poetry (p. 33)
Inheritancei"To escape her parents", Laura Jan Shore , single work poetry (p. 34-37)
Vigili"Rain drifts down upon the monastery,", Jo Gardiner , single work poetry (p. 38-40)
Hungeri"Housebound in smelting yards and slaughterhouses", Jo Gardiner , single work poetry (p. 41-42)
The Paris Endi"Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth.", Jo Gardiner , single work poetry (p. 43-46)
Perishablei"Your days are like you ova", Tracy Ryan , single work poetry (p. 47-49)
In Measurei"'Pan metron ariston'", Theodora Galanis , single work poetry (p. 50-52)
Lines Composed a Few Miles from Edinburgh Castle, 1947i"'forgive me, sister, if my handwriting seems", Isi Unikowski , single work poetry (p. 53-55)