y separately published work icon Social Alternatives periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... vol. 42 no. 4 December 2023 of Social Alternatives est. 1977 Social Alternatives
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* Contents derived from the , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Social Realism in Room 347i"The drunken laughter", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 10)
Public Service Announcementi"Please vacate your seat", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 10)
Locationi"rain, hats &", David Ishaya Osu , single work poetry (p. 42)
Sleepi"ham, hum", David Ishaya Osu , single work poetry (p. 42)
Racksi"—to do: leave the honey ants alone—", David Ishaya Osu , single work poetry (p. 45)
Cold Comforti"ebb, flow, surge, swell", Cath Kenneally , single work poetry (p. 46)
Lemmingi"I don’t know when", David Adès , single work poetry (p. 46)
Stalkeri"The white-stubbled old man", David Adès , single work poetry (p. 46)
A Rosetta Stonei"carried through ages", Lidija Šimkute , single work poetry (p. 54)
Can This Treei"turn over a new leaf", Lidija Šimkute , single work poetry (p. 61)
Piano Lessons, Jane Downing , single work short story (p. 62-64)