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y separately published work icon Males Besties : Episodis 7 i 8 selected work   children's fiction  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Males Besties : Episodis 7 i 8
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* Contents derived from the Barcelona,
Western Europe, Europe,
Editorial Barcanova , 2020 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Do-You-Think-He-Saurus?!, Aaron Blabey , Helena Lamuela (translator) single work children's fiction children's fantasy

'The dawn of time! Nothing on earth could rival the terrifying power of the dinosaurs. Except maybe that wolf over there...Yeah, the one standing next to the snake and the shark and that other sardiney-looking thing.


'This is all wrong. This is all bad. This is all awesome. Its time to get your Jurassic on, baby. It's time... For the Bad Guys Episode 7!' (Publication summary)

Superbad, Aaron Blabey , Helena Lamuela (translator) single work children's fiction children's

'The international league of heroes want you! 

'But what are they looking for exactly? Gigantic muscles? Super speed? Mind powers? Shape-shifting awesomeness? Possibly. but are they looking for a nude wolf? An unconscious piranha? A muffin-stealing snake? And a... toaster with a fin and really big teeth? Duh! why would you even ask that?!  Knuckleheads assemble. It's bad guys episode 8!'   (Publication summary)