y separately published work icon Koori Mail newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2024... no. 824 24 April 2024 of Koori Mail est. 1991 Koori Mail
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* Contents derived from the , 2024 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Lifelong Love for Dancing, Liina Flynn , single work column
'Gary Lang's earliest memory of dancing was when his mother put some music on, lifted him up onto the table - and wearing her wedding dress, held his fingers and twirled around.' (Introduction)
(p. 8)
Venice Left Wanting Moore, single work column
'Tracing his Aboriginal relations back 65,000 years, Indigenous artist Archie Moore has drawn on his 'connection to place' in his winning entry at a major European art exhibition.' (Introduction)
(p. 12)
Bruce Rides Controversy, Liina Flynn , single work column
'Being a professional shit-stirrer is something Bruce Pascoe is proud of.' 
(p. 19)
Wesley's Inspiration Comes from Country, Liina Flynn , single work column
'For writer and director Wesley Enoch, coming back to live on Country in Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) was a way of staying connected to his late father after he passed.' (Introduction)
(p. 21)
How Support from UQ Set Me up for Success, Darby Jones , single work column

'In 2020, I commenced my Bachelor of Arts at The University of Queensland (UQ) as an anxious, mature aged student. As the first in my family to attend university, I had no idea what to expect or whether I could handle the demands of tertiary education.' (Introduction)

(p. 28)
Teela Reid - Fighting for Change, single work column
'Teela Reid is a proud Wiradjuri and Wailwan woman, lawyer, activist and storyteller who says her path is eternally guided by the direction of her ancestors. This path has take Teela on a trail-blazing journey of advocating for Aboriginal land rights, dismantling systemic racism in Australia, and elevating the voices of First Nations people that is vitally important for all generations.' (Introduction)
(p. 42)
Parrtjima Shines Light on Strong Commections, Nick Paton , single work column
'Thousands of people attended opening night at this year's Parrtjima - A Festival in Light, and as the free 10-night festival rolled on, thousands more turned out to soak up the spectacular installations under star-studded desert skies.' (Introduction)
(p. 43)