y separately published work icon Live Encounters periodical issue   poetry  
Alternative title: 14th Anniversary Edition
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... November-December 2023 of Live Encounters est. 2021 Live Encounters
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* Contents derived from the , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Remnants, Angela Costi , sequence poetry
Day Threei"Among the coffee-stained overdue bills, postcards from Queensland, cards for birthdays and Christmas, and the various", Angela Costi , single work poetry
Day Seveni"Leah’s blood splashing the sink red, Steph’s face an open scream, their father upturning the dinner table smashing platters", Angela Costi , single work poetry
Day Fifty-Fivei"Three lemon trees, two olive trees and sprawling jasmine are still alive despite scant rain and Leah watering them rarely.", Angela Costi , single work poetry
Day Sixty-Twoi"My name is Dimitris, they call me Jimmy. I arrived in Australia when I was 15 years old and we lived in Sydney. In a few weeks", Angela Costi , single work poetry
After the Outbreak .i"A whipcrack breaks into sleep like a funding alert. Has life become", Anne Elvey , single work poetry
Genealogical Inquiriesi"Did my ancestors move stone", Anne Elvey , single work poetry
No Words Come .i"silence", Eugen Bacon , single work poetry
Desert Lifei"This is how I travel", Geoff Callard , single work poetry
David on the Seawall Welcomes the Godwitsi"David on the seawall", Geoff Callard , single work poetry
Reading Leonard Coheni"Everyone sleeps late here on a Sunday.", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry
Stolen from the Seai"Aegean swordfish on the quay at Kalymnos", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry
First Birdi"The unknown bird that sings", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry
Where You Live Now .i"Hills succumb to afterglow,", John Grey , single work poetry
Growing Old Togetheri"Having put myself", John Grey , single work poetry
Cook’s Lake, Years Lateri"We don’t merely stroll to this place,", John Grey , single work poetry
Akrasiai"a deadline’s a radar surveillance camera", Louise Wakeling , single work poetry
Panic Roomi"out of the question for most of us", Louise Wakeling , single work poetry
Inscriptions 1 .i"I lifted my head above the limits of the world.", Peter Boyle , single work poetry
Ode to Time and Time’s Errata — Poem 23 *i"Solominka: a straw,", Peter Boyle , single work poetry