Fudan University Press Fudan University Press i(27062460 works by) (Organisation) assertion ( Fu dan da xue chu ban she ) (a.k.a. 复旦大学出版社)
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4 47 y separately published work icon Dark Emu : Black Seeds : Agriculture or Accident? Bruce Pascoe , Broome : Magabala Books , 2014 7202021 2014 single work criticism

'Dark Emu argues for a reconsideration of the 'hunter-gatherer' tag for pre-colonial Aboriginal Australians and attempts to rebut the colonial myths that have worked to justify dispossession. Accomplished author Bruce Pascoe provides compelling evidence from the diaries of early explorers that suggests that systems of food production and land management have been blatantly understated in modern retellings of early Aboriginal history, and that a new look at Australia’s past is required.'

Source: Publisher's website.

'Pascoe puts forward a compelling argument for a reconsideration of the hunter-gatherer label for pre-colonial Aboriginal Australians. The evidence insists that Aboriginal people right across the continent were using domesticated plants, sowing, harvesting, irrigating and storing - behaviours inconsistent with the hunter-gatherer tag.'

Source: Back cover blurb. 

1 y separately published work icon Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences Shanghai : Fudan University Press , 2005- 27062468 2005 periodical (1 issues)