y separately published work icon Overland [Online] periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... May 2023 of Overland [Online] est. 2011 Overland [Online]
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* Contents derived from the , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Tears for Peers : The Hidden Costs of Arts Funding, Kate Larsen , single work column

'Across Australia, hundreds of arts organisations are currently awaiting the outcome of expressions of interest for four-year funding from Australia Council for the Arts. In Warrang/Sydney meeting-rooms, teams of subcontracted industry advisors are being assembled in their respective artforms to advise Council on which applications are eligible to go through to second and final stage of their decision-making process.' (Introduction)

My TED Talk:i"You have to do it badly. If it is poetry, even more so, because there is no because. If", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry
Answer to a Queryi"Thank you for your query regarding correctness", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry
A Handmaid’s Tale with Nazis : the Enduring Message of Katharine Burdekin’s Swastika Night, Lucy Sussex , single work essay
The ‘Chinese Question’ and Colonial Capitalism in New Gold Mountain, Christy Tan , single work review
— Review of New Gold Mountain Peter Cox , Benjamin Law , Yolanda Ramke , Greg Waters , Pip Karmel , 2021 series - publisher film/TV ;

'SBS’s New Gold Mountain sets out to recover the history of the Gold Rush from the marginalised perspective of Chinese settlers but instead reinforces the erasure of Indigenous sovereignty. Although celebrated for its multilingual script and diverse representation, the mini-TV series ignores how the settlement of Chinese migrants and their recruitment into colonial capitalism consolidates the ongoing displacement of First Nations peoples.' (Introduction) 

Fiction | Garramilla/Darwin, Lulu Houdini , single work short story