y separately published work icon The Monthly periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... June 2023 of The Monthly est. 2005 The Monthly
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* Contents derived from the , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Heroes and Villains, Don Watson , single work column
'IF, AS SOMEONE SAID, “No man is a hero to his valet”, it is also true that every man is a valet to his hero. Well, as we make them, we can break them. So, I have cancelled Sir Douglas Bader. Others may choose to follow my example, but for now it is a personal cancellation, not a global one' 


(p. 14-16)
Cult Viewing, Harry Windsor , single work review
— Review of The Clearing Matt Cameron , Elise McCredie , Osamah Sami , 2023 series - publisher film/TV ;
'AUSTRALIAN PRODUCERS HAVE LONG TAKEN true-crime stories and stripped them for parts. Animal Kingdom imagined events on either side of the Walsh Street shooting, in which cops were gunned down in cold blood, while The Boys worked backwards from the murder of Anita Cobby, dramatising the world that created her killers.' 


(p. 54-57)
[Review] Fat Girl Dancing, Christine Jackman , single work review
— Review of Fat Girl Dancing Krissy Kneen , 2023 single work autobiography ;
'EARLY IN FAT GIRL DANCING, author Kris Kneen offers a valuable insight into their creative process. “My motto,” they write, “has always been to run quickly and blindly towards the subjects that scare you. These will be the important subjects, the difficult discussions and the most revealing conversations.”' 


(p. 64)
[Review] Anam, Declan Fry , single work review
— Review of Anam André Dao , 2023 single work novel ;
(p. 65)