y separately published work icon Kill Your Darlings [Online] periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... April 2023 of Kill Your Darlings [Online] est. 2010 Kill Your Darlings [Online]
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* Contents derived from the , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
This Place Is Fake, Tiia Kelly , single work essay

'From digital mapping to location tagging, our perception of our bodies in physical space has become increasingly filtered through technology. But every knowledge system has gaps and ghosts—what does the impulse to chart our lives online teach us not to notice?' (Introduction) 

Setting and the Subtleties of Perspective, Ronnie Scott , single work essay

'A writing exercise got me thinking about the difference between seeing and remembering. External and internal worlds merge when we establish setting, and what is conveyed can have less to do with reality and more to do with the stance of the observer.'(Introduction)

Debut Spotlight : Rijn Collins on Fed to Red Birds, Rijn Collins , single work column

'Each month we celebrate an Australian debut release of fiction or non-fiction in the Kill Your Darlings Debut Spotlight feature. For April that debut is Fed to Red Birds by Rijn Collins (Simon & Schuster), a beautifully evocative portrait of an enchanted mind in an enchanting place. We spoke to Rijn about her publishing journey and the inspiration behind the book.'

The Promising Return of the Australian Teen Onscreen, Monique Nair , single work review
— Review of 6 Festivals Macario de Souza , Sean Nash , Lou Sanz , 2022 single work film/TV ;

'In Macário De Souza’s 2022 debut feature film, 6 Festivals, three music-loving friends attend a bucket list of lineups. Over six months the teen trio chase musical escapism, care deeply for one another and experience bursts of maturity. The film traces character arcs that we are familiar with; there are powerful moments of change as the characters reckon with each of their adverse circumstances and navigate who they want to be. In its nuanced portrayals of adolescent friendship, grief and live music experiences, the film offers a unique contribution to the Australian coming-of-age genre. It’s the kind of film I wish I had growing up.' (Introduction)

Show Your Working : Madelaine Lucas, Madelaine Lucas , single work column

'Show Your Working is a regular column exploring how some of our favourite writers get things done. In this instalment, we take a peek into the writing routine of author, editor and creative writing lecturer Madelaine Lucas, whose debut novel Thirst For Salt is out this month from Allen & Unwin.' (Introduction)

Books Roundup, Simon MacDonald , Gabriella Munoz , Fiona Murphy , single work review
— Review of Fed to Red Birds Rijn Collins , 2023 single work novel ; The Anniversary Stephanie Bishop , 2023 single work novel ;