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5 y separately published work icon Don't Forget Jane Godwin , Anna Walker (illustrator), Melbourne : Puffin , 2021 20857428 2021 single work picture book children's

'A timely and uplifting picture book for 5+, reflecting on what’s important for each of us to remember, from the creative team that brought us All Through the Year and Today We Have No Plans.

'Don’t forget to make your bed,and wear socks that fit your feet…Don’t forget to care, to play, To run, to laugh…

'Sometimes, we need to remember all the things we can do to be part of the world. Small things, like offering a smile. And bigger things, like hoping, dreaming, imagining…' (Publication summary)

4 y separately published work icon All Bodies Are Good Bodies Charlotte Barkla , Erica Salcedo (illustrator), Richmond : Little Hare Books , 2020 17444572 2020 single work picture book children's

'I love hands!
Hands that are white and hands that are brown,
Freckles mean sunshine has sent kisses down.
Short fingers, long fingers, bendy or straight,
Hands to clap, or high-five your mate.

'Bold and beautiful, loud and proud, All Bodies are Good Bodies is an uplifting book about different body features and types.

'Through playful rhyme, it promotes the development of body acceptance and celebrates inclusivity and individuality.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.