y separately published work icon Going Down Swinging Online periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 2023 of Going Down Swinging Online est. 2016 Going Down Swinging Online
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* Contents derived from the , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Eating Memories, Moira Tirtha , single work prose
Something More Than Nutrientsi"there is probably a study", Anita Solak , single work poetry
Left-Handed Poem for Catsi"i am moving with the sudden clarity of a three-legged dog,", Dylan Thomson-Barney , single work poetry
Ice-Skatingi"let’s calculate the force you put into the ground", Izma Haider , single work poetry
Winter Jumperi"shaking in a cotton shirt waiting for the tram to take me to work", Hasib Hourani , single work poetry
Spot in the House Where the Phone Worksi"Spot in the house where the phone works", Natalie Briggs , single work poetry
Gazing at My Reflection Was an Act Not of Vanity but Personal Fitnessi"I was known for having huge triceps", Sholto Buck , single work poetry
Reception Theory or How to Sit in an Office Chair, Autumn Royal , single work prose
Laps, Laura Charlton , single work short story
Joan and the Whalei"it begins with an animal swallowing another animal: a bird encased in the skull of a bovine,", Aeva Milos , single work poetry