Emily Tsokos Purtill Emily Tsokos Purtill i(24649594 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 2 y separately published work icon Matia Emily Tsokos Purtill , Crawley : UWA Publishing , 2024 28551452 2024 single work novel

'A woman in my village gave me four prophecies...they have all come true, so far.

'Sia is a young Greek woman who has emigrated from Greece to Perth, Western Australia in 1945 for a better life. She carries with her four prophecies and four pieces of protective jewellery, matia, one for herself, her daughter, her granddaughter, and great-granddaughter. With a dooming prophecy hanging over each woman's head will their lives unfold as they want or are they chained to the fate that's been destined for them?

'Over four generations and three continents, linking back and forth over 125 years from Greece to Perth to New York and back to Greece, Emily Tsokos Purtill has weaved a story that is utterly captivating and deeply moving.'  (Publication summary)

1 Amateur Mycology Emily Tsokos Purtill , 2024 single work short story
— Appears in: Science Write Now , no. 10 2024;
1 Reluctant Farewell to a Trusted Companion : Valediction for a Stroller Emily Tsokos Purtill , 2024 single work essay
— Appears in: Griffith Review , 7th May no. 84 2024;

'IT WAS A difficult parting that I have struggled to articulate for many years. I did not want to be kind and donate my red double stroller to the charity shop at the maternity hospital. I accept that this admission probably makes me some kind of monster, but if I give you the reasons then you might understand how important it was to me at a time in my life that was unlike any other before it.'  (Introduction)

1 BRCA (According to the Pythia) Emily Tsokos Purtill , 2022 single work poetry
— Appears in: Heroines : An Anthology of Short Fiction and Poetry Volume 4 2022;
1 Lunch at the Dream House Emily Tsokos Purtill , 2022 single work short story
— Appears in: Griffith Review , no. 78 2022; (p. 17-33)
1 Précis Emily Tsokos Purtill , 2022 single work short story
— Appears in: Westerly , vol. 67 no. 1 2022; (p. 91-95)
1 Mrs G i "Mrs G delivers frozen meals anonymously", Emily Tsokos Purtill , 2020 single work poetry
— Appears in: Generosity : 2020 ACU Prize for Poetry 2020; (p. 80-82)