y separately published work icon Overland periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2021... no. 244 Spring 2021 of Overland est. 1954 Overland
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* Contents derived from the , 2021 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
I Would Prefer Not To, Ellena Savage , single work essay

'When my father, Laurie, retired from his job as a high school science and IT teacher, he’d been a teacher for about thirty-five years. He was, I think, a good teacher. ‘I wasn’t super teacher,’ he told me, ‘I wasn’t Eddy Woo, but my students did well and sometimes they bought me a beer years later, I was an ok teacher.’ I liked the fact that he was a schoolteacher, liked that he chose to work at a public school down the road, because his values were my values.' (Introduction)

(p. 3-11)
Reading Humphrey McQueen's A New Britannia in Decolonial Time, Jon Piccini , single work essay

'There are books that, without you even knowing it, have shaped who you are as a thinker. I was reminded of as much on re-reading Humphrey McQueen’s A New Britannia: An argument concerning the social origins of Australian radicalism and nationalism. First published in 1970, my well-thumbed third edition from 1986 had been picked up at a second-hand store to replace an earlier fourth edition published in 2004 and now yellowing on some long-lost acquaintance’s bookshelf.' (Introduction)

(p. 12-19)
The Whale Ghosts, Elias Greig , single work essay (p. 29-42)
Imagining a New Conversation with Landscape, Jane Crowley , single work essay
'I wander down the wide corridor of the crunchy fire trail. Both sides of the track are lined with scaly black matchsticks sweeping up to the sky. It has been six months since I was last here and almost a year since the fires of the New South Wales Black Summer. Th change is dramatic in this time. The matchsticks are now coated with a fuzzy layer of vibrant green epidermic growth and fresh grassy whiskers punch out from the burnt forest floor. The music, however, is still sparse. From what is usually the chatter of the noisy friar and lyre birds is now just the echo of my footsteps and the gentle hum of the cicadas. At least the cicadas are back.' (Introduction)
(p. 51-58)
Press Seci"Fashion ephemera until it becomes fashionable", Liam Ferney , single work poetry (p. 61)
Mouth Piecei"tongues who feast in salt rinds of passage", Amelia Zhou , single work poetry (p. 61)
Pointless in Spacei"Is there anything more fucked", Belinda J. Rule , single work poetry (p. 62)
In the Only Flats in a Posh Suburbi"Wake to the back neighbour's pool pump", Belinda J. Rule , single work poetry (p. 63)
Stick Insectsi"In the dream I give birth to twins but they aren't human: they are small spindly creatures", Elizabeth Allen , single work poetry (p. 64)
Marshmellow Flowersi"This morning the viel the morning threw", Mitchell Welch , single work poetry (p. 64)
Can't Cant, Dan Hogan , single work poetry (p. 65)
Leafless - Leafsi"Words are leafless", Louise Crisp , single work poetry (p. 66)
Autofictioni"The author composes an homage", Šime Knežević , single work poetry (p. 67)
Birds, Againi"The birds are at it - hacking up the morning -", Ursula Robinson-Shaw , single work poetry (p. 68-69)
A Tale of Two Crowdsi"A group", Joel Ephraims , single work poetry (p. 70)
Shane's Castration, Michael James , single work short story (p. 71-76)
Lost, Eve Vincent , single work short story (p. 89-93)