y separately published work icon Mascara Literary Review periodical issue  
Alternative title: Transitions : Ecopoetics from the Global South
Issue Details: First known date: 2021... no. 27 December 2021 of Mascara Literary Review est. 2007 Mascara Literary Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2021 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Manggaarlai"maana ngawaa muniimbugany muniim nyamigundi maarlala", Christina Armstrong , single work poetry
Centocartography, Campsie : That Wild Societyi"The gull giving way on the left", Dave Drayton , single work poetry
At the End of the Raili"in the morning when the sun peels", Tim Loveday , single work poetry
It Takes a Mountain to Raise a Cheese, Rachael Mead , single work poetry
A Sharki"when", Monique Lyle , single work poetry
Plastic Nationi"In the end, it feels inevitable. The floating island of plastic is declared a new nation, and becomes", Lisa Nan Joo , single work poetry
Barbed Wirei"Earlier poems on barbed wire have proved unsatisfactory", Greg Page , single work poetry
Captivei"You are the one who cupped death in the hand.", Debbie Lim , single work poetry
Remember to Not Talk Gently When Announcing the News, Especially If You’re on Radioi"summers are long and the sky curdles quick", Anisha Pillarisetty , single work poetry
Independencia, Bryant Apolonio , single work short story
The Seconds of Holroyd House, Patrick Arulanandam , single work short story
On the Tale of the Firebird, Irina Frolova , single work short story
New Eden, A J DeMoyer , single work short story
Cathedral Thinking, Juanita Broderick , single work short story
Entwined, Megan Cheong , single work short story
Vesāk, Dinasha Edirisinghe , single work short story
Caravan, Jenni Mazaraki , single work short story
The Last Choir, Isabelle Quilty , single work short story
Tony Messenger Interviews Ali Whitelock, Tony Messenger (interviewer), single work interview
无题i"Intermingling the waves of sleep", Yu Ouyang , John Kinsella (translator), single work poetry