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y separately published work icon The Jaguar selected work   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 2022... 2022 The Jaguar
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* Contents derived from the St Lucia, Indooroopilly - St Lucia area, Brisbane - North West, Brisbane, Queensland,:University of Queensland Press , 2022 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
My Father as a Giant Koii"My father is at the bottom of a pond", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 3)
The Gifti"In the garden, my father sits in his wheelchair", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 4-5)
The Parachutei"All night my father hangs upside down", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 6)
Brazili"My mother and I eat takeout : crispy basil prawn and red duck curry.", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 7)
Empires of Mindi"Beside the fountain’s troupe of sun-bleached rubber ducks,", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 8-9)
The Gurneyi"Because the gurney is unattended", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 10-11)
Time Remainingi"like rolled up beads of mercury", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 12-13)
Lime Jellyi"Your last burning day", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 14-15)
The Kindest Thingi"The doctor with an Armani model's jawline", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 16)
Terminal Lucidityi"After twenty years away, an intercession of clarity", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 17)
Nessun Dormai"When I first see my father's body", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 18-19)
The Outingi"You kept your clothing divided", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 20-21)
The Clearingi"In a dark wood I find it again–", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 22-23)
At Springbrooki"All day rainbows have burnt", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 24-25)
Thalassographyi"I have known these estuaries —", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 29-30)
Light Yearsi"All summer the northern flickers", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 31-32)
Pikes Peaki"Hiking near the timberline at twelve thousand feet", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 33-34)
Substantia Nigrai"A cross-section of my father's brain", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 35)
The Midpointi"Here heat is the only constancy.", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 36-37)
Tijuanai"My father is standing on the border", Sarah Holland-Batt , single work poetry (p. 38-39)