Teigan Margetts Teigan Margetts i(23412880 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 y separately published work icon Tom's Tears Teigan Margetts , Alvin Adhi (illustrator), Park Orchards : Ethicool , 2020 23413663 2020 single work picture book children's

'Join Tom and his best friend, Oliver, as they go on an adventure to rediscover Tom’s tears … and the more sinister reason why he’s lost them in the first place. 

'This moving and poignant book strikes right at the heart of how we talk to children about their emotions and particularly, who can show them and how. 

'Like a warm hug you didn’t know you needed, this beautiful story will help you rediscover your own tears … as well as Tom’s!'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Simon and the Sad Salad Teigan Margetts , Park Orchards : Ethicool , 2020 23413351 2020 single work picture book children's

'Join Simon, and the superhero of the day, Asha, as they celebrate at their annual class party. Everyone brings something delicious and extravagant to the party, but not Simon. Asha heads off on a noble journey to discover why … and what she finds changes how she behaves, once and for all. 

'This evocative and moving book encourages empathy, understanding, and ultimately sharing and caring in children - and in all who read it. 

'A stark reminder of the challenges some children face at school, this story shows us what we can all do about it.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Ella and the Exploding Fish Teigan Margetts , Park Orchards : Ethicool , 2020 23412900 2020 single work picture book children's

'Join Ella and her sister, Ava, as they discover the joy of caring for a marine creature. Yet it isn’t all joy, as the sisters soon learn. Their beloved fish appear to thrive in only one type of environment ... but why are both fish getting bigger? 

'This light-hearted and genuinely surprising book will keep you and your little ones on their toes until the very end! Designed to be both humorous and moving, it also teaches an important lesson about personal responsibility.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.