y separately published work icon Quadrant periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... vol. 62 no. 9 September 2018 of Quadrant est. 1957 Quadrant
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* Contents derived from the , 2018 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Bingham’s Ghosti"Son of a fugitive", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 17)
Verticalsi"Whizz of blue striped", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 17)
Dry Roti"Making conversation while waiting on the tee", Jamie Grant , single work poetry (p. 31)
The Calmness of Despairi"When you get out of the car and you feel the bully’s stare", Katherine Spadaro , single work poetry (p. 43)
Them Shoesi"Everything is bourbon and bonhomie", Andrew Lansdown , single work poetry (p. 44-45)
Meditations on Emptinessi"If only our hearts", Andrew Lansdown , single work poetry (p. 45)
Tropical Stormi"The palm trees urge on the wind, frantic cheerleaders flourishing pompoms,", Katherine Spadaro , single work poetry (p. 58)
Sixteen Is a Very Difficult Age, You Knowi"Well yes it is. This time of year isn’t easy either. It has", Libby Sommer , single work poetry (p. 70)
Beach of Memoryi"The smack of smell, the wind pushing inside your lungs,", Katherine Spadaro , single work poetry (p. 80)
Distinguished Transportedi"Daniel Connor.", Joe Dolce , single work poetry (p. 97)
Australia Cor Unum : Literary Heartbeats from Turner, Unaipon, Neilson and Gilmore, Diana Figgis , single work essay (p. 98-100)
Beyond Posterityi"My aunt, the architect,", Jamie Grant , single work poetry (p. 101)
Painting with My Father, Robyn O’Sullivan , single work short story (p. 107-110)