y separately published work icon Liminal periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... November 2020 of Liminal est. 2016 Liminal
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* Contents derived from the , 2020 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Bryant Apolonio, Hassan Kalam Abul (interviewer), single work interview

'His cool, considered prose inhabits every cranny of the spaces it describes, and has won him other prizes and accolades, including Overland’s Fair Australia Prize in 2017. 

'Bryant spoke to Hassan about what we owe to places we write about, how a voice might be constructed, and what could possibly be coming next.' (Introduction)

Note: Interview #152
Claire Cao, Debbie Zhou (interviewer), single work interview

'Claire is the runner-up of the inaugural 2019 Liminal Fiction Prize for her short story, ‘See You Tomorrow’. Read ‘See You Tomorrow’ over at Kill Your Darlings.

'Claire spoke to Debbie about finding her voice through fandom, writing about Western Sydney and the power of writer-mentorship communities.' (Introduction)

Note: Interview #153
Tiffany Tsao, Whitney McIntosh (interviewer), single work interview

'Prior to her work in the publishing world, Tiffany received a Ph.D. in English Literature from University of California, Berkeley, and was a lecturer at University of Newcastle.

'Tiffany spoke to Whitney McIntosh about fantasy fiction, the art of translating, and what you should be reading in 2021.' (Introduction)

Note: Interview #154
James Jiang, Robert Wood (interviewer), single work interview
Note: Interview #155
Grace Feng Fang Juan, Sumudu Samarawickrama 8144124 8144124JHTKKCIFZU , single work
'Grace Feng Fang Juan speaks to Sumudu Samarawickrama about translation and the mulitiplicity of languages, and how to write for the screen, against the white gaze.'
Note: Interview #156