y separately published work icon The Saturday Paper newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 22-28 February 2020 of The Saturday Paper est. 2014 The Saturday Paper
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* Contents derived from the , 2020 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Every Small Protest Countsi"ACCOMPANY your children", Ellen van Neerven , single work poetry
Actress Cate Blanchett, Steve Dow , single work column

'As a co-creator of the new ABC series Stateless, Cate Blanchett hopes to challenge Australian attitudes towards asylum seekers, particularly as the climate crisis threatens to displace many more people. “The rhetoric of protection and the language has separated Australians from their humanity, and encouraged the public through a lack of transparency in information to tolerate or ignore human rights abuses that are going on offshore.” By Steve Dow.' (Introduction)

[Review] Torch the Place, Alison Croggon , single work review
— Review of Torch the Place Benjamin Law , 2020 single work drama ;

'Despite some shaky moments, Benjamin Law’s Torch the Place is filled with humour and heart, and breathes new life into the Australian tradition of naturalism. By Alison Croggon.' 

Donna Mazza : Fauna, Andrew Fuhrmann , single work review
— Review of Fauna Donna Mazza , 2020 single work novel ;

'Seven years ago, Harvard professor and resurrection biologist George Church made headlines around the world when he announced that we already have the technical know-how to bring back Neanderthals, and that nothing wanted but an “extremely adventurous female human” to act as surrogate mother. Donna Mazza’s second novel takes us into the mind of just such a female, although the woman at the heart of Mazza’s story seems less motivated by the adventure of science than an impossible craving to sacrifice her humanity.' (Introduction)

Madeleine Watts : The Inland Sea, Nathania Gilson , single work review
— Review of The Inland Sea Madeleine Watts , 2020 single work novel ;

'The unnamed narrator of Madeleine Watts’ debut novel is an emergency dispatch phone operator. She’s spending her last year in Sydney making bad decisions: drinking too much, sleeping with the wrong men, wanting to escape overseas but seduced by the hourly rate of shift work and bearing witness to a national climate emergency. Her life is a freight train hurtling towards panic stations.' (Introduction)