y separately published work icon The Weekend Australian newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... 27 July 2019 of The Weekend Australian est. 1977 The Weekend Australian
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* Contents derived from the , 2019 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Ord-inary Concerns Revisited, Cefn Ridout , single work review
— Review of When One Person Dies the Whole World Is Over Mandy Ord , Mandy Ord , 2019 single work graphic novel ;

'A novel-length immersion into the keenly felt life of Mandy Ord, Australia’s foremost graphic memoirist, is a rare treat. Widely praised for her self-published mini-comics, some of which were collected in the award-winning 2011 anthology, Sensitive ­Creatures, and her short stories, which have graced the pages of Meanjin, The Age and Voiceworks, Ord seldom ventures into lengthier narratives.' (Introduction)

(p. 22)
Memoir Charts Rocky Detours, Phil Stafford , single work review
— Review of Something to Believe In Andrew Stafford , 2019 single work autobiography ;

'To paraphrase a quote from George Bernard Shaw’s Man And Superman, those who can, do — those who can’t, write about it. While it’s true most rock journalists are frustrated musicians, few write about the art form more eloquently than Brisbane-based author and freelancer Andrew Stafford. Even fewer do so with such naked honesty.'(Introduction)

(p. 23)
No Heroes in a Tale Gone to the Dogs, Thuy On , single work review
— Review of Maddox Chris Abrahams , 2019 single work novel ;

'Geoff Maddox is a 48-year-old slacker of no fixed employment bumming around in Sydney. We first see him in an altercation at a sixth birthday party. He impulsively grabs a balloon motorcycle from the grasp of a child.'(Introduction)

(p. 25)
A Letter to Marlo, Bruce Pascoe , single work short story

'In a story from his new book, Bruce Pascoe writes a letter to his grandson.'

(p. 26)