Issue Details: First known date: 2017... vol. 28 no. 2 May 2017 of Jessie Street National Women's Library Newsletter est. 1990 Jessie Street National Women's Library Newsletter
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* Contents derived from the , 2017 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Gill Hicks: Peace – Who Cares?, single work column (p. 1)
Nike Sulway Interview, Jessica Stewart (interviewer), single work interview
'Publishing, the production and dissemination of books and the written word, has been turned on its head by the digital revolution. I had the opportunity to talk with Dr Nike Sulway, an author and lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Southern Queensland. Her recently published book, Dying in the first person (Transit Lounge 2016) is a luminous study of the power of language.' (Introduction)
(p. 4)
Art Can Transform Hatred : The Importance of Not Turning Away, Charlotte Wood , single work column
'Shocked by highly misogynist offensive graffiti on a fence in a Melbourne suburb, I felt a familiar inner deadness, the same psychic collapse as when I first heard the radio documentary that sparked my fifth novel,The natural way of things.' (Introduction)
(p. 5)
Jessie Street and the 1967 Referendum, Jan Burnswoods , single work column
'On 27 May 2017, it will be 50 years since the referendum with the biggest majority ever in Australia: 90.77% voted to amend the Constitution to remove limitations on Commonwealth power in Aboriginal affairs and to count Aboriginal people in the census.'


(p. 6)