y separately published work icon Cha : An Asian Literary Journal periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... no. 39 April 2019 of Cha: An Asian Literary Journal est. 2007 Cha : An Asian Literary Journal
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* Contents derived from the , 2019 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
闇龗 Kuraokamii"Sea-sleeping serpent wakes in anger", Carl Walsh , single work poetry
Shifting Terrains : Movement and Identity in Lachlan Brown's Lunar Inheritance, Maja Milatovic , single work review
— Review of Lunar Inheritance Lachlan Brown , 2017 selected work poetry ;

'Questions of identity and self-definition hold a special place in Lachlan Brown’s artistic imagination. His poetry engages with the elusive concept of belonging in a divided and contested world, within and despite social norms and hierarchies. Brown’s poetic impulse is to probe the tensions surrounding the need to self-define and the social prescriptions which label those who challenge normative categories.' (Introduction)

Three Vietnamese Voices in Australia : Poems of Lê Văn Tài, Nguyễn Tôn Hiệt & Phan Quỳnh, Mark Stevenson , single work review
— Review of Poems of Lê Văn Tài, Nguyễn Tôn Hiệt & Phan Quỳnh Trâm Lê Văn Tài , Nguyễn Tôn Hiệt , Phan Quỳnh Trâm , 2015 selected work poetry ;

'Released under Vagabond Press's Asia Pacific Poetry Series, Poems of Lê Văn Tài, Nguyn Tôn Hit & Phan Quỳnh Trâm is a much-needed update on the work of these three Vietnamese voices in Australian poetry, bookended by overviews from the co-editors, Nguyễn Hưng Quốc and poet/writer Nhã Thuyên. Thuyên's words breathe, creatures of elsewhere was also released by Vagabond, in 2016. Quốc is the author of, among much else, Vietnamese Literature in Australia: Politics and Poetics of Diaspora (in Vietnamese, 2013), and without question politics, poetry and diaspora are the themes which together resonate throughout the poems in this collection.' (Introduction)

Longing for Home: Boey Kim Cheng's Gull Between Heaven and Earth, Wong Wen Pu , single work review
— Review of Gull Between Heaven and Earth Kim Cheng Boey , 2019 single work novel ;