Kate Morton Kate Morton i(17355279 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 y separately published work icon Suzi P the Swift Parrot on Bruny Island Kate Morton , Lois Bury (illustrator), Bruny Island : Obi Press House , 2018 17356871 2018 single work picture book children's

'Suzi P is a little swift parrot who struggles to find a place to raise her family in peace on Bruny Island. But the creative scientists find a way to protect Suzi P and her family, so they can grow up safe and sound from hunters and loggers.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Quentin the Quoll on Bruny Island Kate Morton , Lois Bury (illustrator), Bruny Island : Art at the Point , 2017 17356521 2017 single work picture book children's

'Quentin the quoll is a small Australian marsupial who lives on Bruny Island. Like all wild and endangered animals, he has to deal with extreme climate events like floods, fires and drought.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Little Spot on Bruny Island Kate Morton , Lois Bury (illustrator), Bruny Island : Art at the Point , 2016 17355586 2016 single work picture book children's

'Little Spot is a forty-spotted pardalote - one of Australia’s rarest birds. Little Spot lives high in the tree canopy in small pockets of bush in Tasmania. He must survive all the threats to his young life so he can live happily in the white gums of Bruny Island.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.