Jennifer Hauptman Jennifer Hauptman i(16801892 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 Tilting at Turbines Jennifer Hauptman , 2016 single work essay
— Appears in: Voiceworks , Spring no. 105 2016; (p. 101-106)

'East of Melbourne, 135 kilometres down the Bass Coast, is the town of Wonthaggi. It's a small town of about 4,500 people; it's where people from nearby, more picturesque holiday towns like Inverloch and Cape Patterson do their shopping. The town was established in the early twentieth century by the Victorian government to accommodate the families of miners who worked in the State Coal Mine. In the centre of Wonthaggi, or halfway down the main street - it's a one-street-one-set-of-traffic-lights sort of place - there is an old whistle tower that used to signal the start and end of the three shifts at the mine. It is silent now. In the 1960s, when Victoria's rail network switched to diesel, the mine closed; now it's a local tourist attraction. The railway track, which was used to transport the coal to Melbourne, is now a cycling and jogging track, and only goes as far as San Remo, twenty-five kilometres down the road. In 2002 a planning permit was issued by the State Government of Victoria for a wind farm three kilometres from Wonthaggi town centre. Today, the largest employer in Wonthaggi and the surrounding shire is Bass Coast Regional Health.' (Publication abstract)

1 The Joy of Sex Ed Jennifer Hauptman , 2015 single work essay
— Appears in: Voiceworks , Spring no. 101 2015; (p. 111-115)

'My aunt is apoplectic. "Why did he even read the question 'What is wanking?'" 

'A teacher at my cousin's primary school has had the genius idea of a No Question Is A Stupid Question class for sex ed, which involves all the 10 and 11-year-olds in the year 5 class writing a question on a little bit of paper and slipping it in a shoebox covered in cellophane. It transpires that my cousin didn't know about masturbation until this class. Even if he did secretly know and was pretending he didn't, he knows how to push buttons, so now his 6-year-old sister knows too, though I don't think she really understands the motivation or process or really cares what masturbation is.' (Publication abstract)

1 The Fishbowl Jennifer Hauptman , 2014 single work essay
— Appears in: Voiceworks , Summer no. 99 2014; (p. 89-92)
'I am reading the Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry in the nurses' station of the psych ward. There aren't enough chairs, and even if one were empty I would not presume to sit down, so I am leaning against a filing cabinet. The nurses' station is located within the central room of the ward and - unlike the station in other wards - is totally enclosed by large perspex windows. Patients mill around the station, and try to attract the attention of a nurse inside by tapping gently on the windows, much like one taps on the glass of a fishbowl to attract the attention of the goldfish inside. Hence, the soubriquet: the Fishbowl.' 

 (Publication abstract)