y separately published work icon Overland [Online] periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... April 2019 of Overland [Online] est. 2011 Overland [Online]
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* Contents derived from the , 2019 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Hurt We Live among : Reading Zebra and Other Stories, Jack Cameron Stanton , single work essay

'Often, short story collections seem arbitrarily composed. They can feel tossed together in an ersatz attempt to be coherent while not adhering to an organising principle that makes them whole. Which says nothing about the quality of the stories in isolation, but is instead an observation of the lack of textual cohesion that plagues so many short-fiction collections.'  (Introduction)

Motherhood : Where Science Meets Fiction, Alice Robinson , single work essay

'For the first time in history, this past Australian summer has registered temperatures in excess of two degrees above long-term averages. You don’t need to be well versed in climate science to know that this is not good news – and you don’t need to look very hard to glean this information.'  (Introduction)