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y separately published work icon Arts Features International : Under the Radar anthology   poetry   short story   drama   essay   interview  
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... 2019 Arts Features International : Under the Radar
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* Contents derived from the Newcastle, Newcastle - Hunter Valley area, New South Wales,:Borderstream Books , 2019 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Letter from the Editor, Ruth Skilbeck , single work correspondence (p. 11)
Longtempsi"For a while my mind was distracted,", Richard James Allen , single work poetry
Author's note: After Proust.
(p. 20)
Crazy Nightsi"It's been one of those nights,", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 21)
The Flower of Hiatusi"The sky is", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 22)
The Silent Seai"The voice of God is quiet.", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 23)
Why We Siti"at first we sit", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 24-28)
Metaphysical Meteorology and the Causes of Sufferingi"If meteorology is the study of things in the air,", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 29)
Even on Death's Bedi"And even for you, Emily Dickinson –", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 30)
When I Have Fears that Time May Cease to Bei"When I am gone, the words I have drawn together,", Richard James Allen , single work poetry (p. 31)
Prologuei"Milena is a scribe. She turns to the tabula rasa", Chris Wallace-Crabbe , extract poetry (p. 76-78)
Part Onei"Our story ravels in and outside time", Chris Wallace-Crabbe , single work poetry extract (p. 79)
Trying to Find Home, Ruth Skilbeck , single work short story (p. 85-97)
Ruth Skilbeck on Works of Behrouz Boochani – Exiled Writer – Winner of the Victorian Literary Prize in Australia, Ruth Skilbeck , single work criticism (p. 102-106)
Ruby : Hong Kong Airport, Ruth Skilbeck , single work extract novel (p. 123)
Android Upgrade, Vee Malnar , single work drama

'In a world with a shortage of men, Angela buys an android for company but when she changes her mind and wants to send him back, her friend Larissa can see the advantages of having an android.'

Source: Arts Features International.

(p. 125-133)