y separately published work icon Meniscus periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2017... vol. 5 no. 2 October 2017 of Meniscus est. 2013 Meniscus
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* Contents derived from the , 2017 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Varnishi"Each night they sleep with the amber", Ella Jeffery , single work poetry (p. 11)
Life in Fragments, Ira McGuire , single work short story (p. 12-19)
A Plate of Antipasti, Deb Wain , single work short story (p. 20-26)
On Fifty-Three, Rachel Robertson , single work short story (p. 37-44)
The Preludei"Your freckles make constellations", Erica de Jong , single work poetry (p. 50)
The Marooningi"I left my heart", Erica de Jong , single work poetry (p. 51)
He Lives with a Mountainous View from the Windowi"It was her and him, and you and my that gave me this,", Anna Denejkina , single work poetry (p. 52)
Irinai"Last night I pondered for those long lost times Mama would wrap me in a blanket,", Anna Denejkina , single work poetry (p. 53)
Find the Woodsi"The air was cold, and I was spinning with a basket in my hand,", Anna Denejkina , single work poetry (p. 54-55)
The 'D' Word, Sean Crawley , single work short story (p. 58-62)
The Dayi"Is heavy upon the man", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry (p. 65)
心 or Hearti"Is heart meant to hear", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry (p. 66-67)
The Day Was a Wednesday, Emily Francine Palmer , single work short story (p. 72-77)
The Curve of a Creek, Elizabeth MacFarlane , single work short story (p. 80-85)
Jungolo, Eugen Bacon , single work short story (p. 104-112)
Third Sisteri"Underfoot, the crush I failed to see, three cicada wings,", Ian Gibbins , single work poetry (p. 114-115)
Ravenousi"The whiteness of my eye.", Ian Gibbins , single work poetry (p. 116-117)
Migration around a New Beginningi"Under the weight of a barren sky", Brian Obiri-Asare , single work poetry (p. 118-119)
Take Deep Breaths, Gay Lynch , single work short story (p. 125)
Doppler Shifti"Comes a time when your childhood bedroom is for guests", Bronwyn Lovell , single work poetry (p. 126-127)