y separately published work icon The Saturday Paper newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 15-21 September 2018 of The Saturday Paper est. 2014 The Saturday Paper
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* Contents derived from the , 2018 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Zoë Coombs Marr and Her Stand-in Stand-up Dave, Steve Dow , single work column

'Comedian Zoë Coombs Marr created her male alter-ego Dave in order to critique the sexist culture of the stand-up scene, and it has taken years for her to feel ready to take the stage as herself again. “I never made Dave with the intention of being cruel or laughing at people, or going, ‘That guy sucks,’ ” she says. “None of these guys are bad guys. It’s also the set-up, the form of comedy itself…”'    (Introduction)

[Review] The Harp in the South, Steve Dow , single work column

'Kate Mulvany’s adaptation of Ruth Park’s still-resonant The Harp in the South trilogy for the STC boasts perfect casting for its darkly comic tale of gentrification and community.'  (Introduction)

David Sornig : Blue Lake, FL , single work review

'They’re a weird mob, psychogeographers. Always drifting through boondocks and “liminal spaces”, interrogating their forsakenness. Iain Sinclair in rust-industrial London, Martin Amis bound for the airport on foot. It’s not as dull as it might sound, but it is essentially weird.'  (Introduction)

Tom Lee : Coach Fitz, JR , single work review

'Tom is a young man in need of a spiritual guide and a personal trainer, someone to rehabilitate his damaged self-image and bring down his half-marathon time. Enter Coach Fitz. This guru in a yellow legionnaire’s cap is an exceptional long-distance runner and a former psychoanalyst. She’s also full of strong opinions about the many ways in which young men are led astray.'  (Introduction)