'"I am the shape you made me."
'The creative team that brought you Chorus in 2019 bursts back onto the Old Fitz stage with another World Premiere of a radically re-imagined Greek tragedy: Sophocles' Elektra.
'Ellie leads a double life. Her mum and sister berate her for being secretive and anti-social, but online, she is Elektra—an avatar who navigates social media with ease, who always has her finger on the pulse and who considers her followers her friends.
'When Ellie's favourite pop musician mysteriously disappears, she dives deep into the underworld of internet fandom to look for leads. And then—she finds one. And it leads to an address in Petersham.
'Told by a hyper-millennial chorus and oozing with Australian authenticity, Chorus: Elektra is about female selfhood, grief and trauma—and how those things work when the internet is involved.'
Source: Redline Productions.