y separately published work icon ABC News [Online] periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... March 2018 of ABC News [Online] est. 2002 ABC News [Online]
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* Contents derived from the , 2018 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Robina Haines Found Strength in Words to Help Her Cope with Grief and Illness, Dominique Bayens , single work column

'When Robina Haines answered a knock at the door to find two police officers with hats in their hands, a veil of grief descended upon her.' 

Australian Opera The Howling Girls Takes Inspiration from Haunting 9/11 Anecdote, Patrick Carey , single work column

'In the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, five gaunt young women — strangers to each other — presented at a Manhattan hospital with the same symptoms: their throats were constricted and they couldn't swallow.'  (Introduction)

Michele Lee's New Play Going Down Looks to Explode the Traditional Migrant Narrative, Patrick Carey , single work column

'Going Down, premiering at the Sydney Theatre Company this month, is the tale of a young woman who is trying to tell her story honestly, failing miserably and getting very confused along the way.'  (Introduction)

Tim Winton Reflects on Masculinity and His Latest Novel, The Shepherd's Hut, Hannah Reich , single work column

'Tim Winton's latest book, The Shepherd's Hut, opens with a quote from American poet Liam Rector's Song Years — "Change is hard and hope is violent".'  (Introduction)

Political Correctness 'stifling Australian Cinema' as Indie Filmmakers Rebound in Adelaide, Malcolm Sutton , single work column

'Mention the modern-day Australian film industry and you'll likely elicit a groan as frames of the same actors performing cliché roles, safe plotlines and token ideology flick through the mind with stop motion predictability.' (Introduction)

Kill Climate Deniers : Playwright Takes on Andrew Bolt, Climate Change Sceptics and Breitbart News, Hannah Reich , single work column

'Four years after backlash shut down the original staging of the play, David Finnigan's Kill Climate Deniers has now opened in Sydney.' (Introduction)

Note: Posted 1 March 2018.