y separately published work icon Foam:e periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... no. 15 March 2018 of Foam:e est. 2004- Foam:e
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* Contents derived from the , 2018 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
After Being Examined Againi"that’s enough now", Andy Jackson , single work poetry 8144124 8144124RRTURHIIYH
Becoming (from Memory and a Hocąk Tale)i"some futile thing that can’t be secured", Andy Jackson , single work poetry 8144124 8144124UXAKZBGNRX
Sacramental Agnostic, Mr Christiani"I arrive by way of mutiny.", Anne Elvey , single work poetry 8144124 8144124YFZNJOAGWR
Meeting Me There Lateri"you were always meeting me there later:", Brent Cantwell , single work poetry 8144124 8144124FTZDKOQNEL
Another Time and Place Where We Might Belongi"in this divided city, a black man", Brian Obiri-Asare , single work poetry 8144124 8144124JVVCKTAXRG
Nightlinesi"get the grimness gone", Christopher Kelen , single work poetry 8144124 8144124RWDVDNNEDJ
How to Be an Alpha Malei"Doubt your position, then stand over it.", David Stavanger , single work poetry 8144124 8144124WQSEQXZEIA
A Temple For You.i"A place to think just be. A chamber of boiling water, a chamber of imported wood, a chamber of casual", David Stavanger , single work poetry 8144124 8144124OSZWISJEZX
The Horrori"The unblinking doll in the room I am staying in blinked.", David Stavanger , single work poetry 8144124 8144124UMSYFAXLKL
Onetastei"thewaythesunlightstickstomeandslickstomelikeoiltowateritisoften", Elaine Leong , single work poetry 8144124 8144124NOXHJXOBCG
Extra Virgini"When they see a triangle atop a square they don’t see a house.", Gavin Yates , single work poetry 8144124 8144124LCNHFDEAHM
Moabi"Patti Smith read Footnote to Howl on our first night", Heather Taylor Johnson , single work poetry 8144124 8144124FROKARFUEH
The Last Wordi"A muscle of a thing, sends forth and sires", Heather Taylor Johnson , single work poetry 8144124 8144124BZDSSOGPVG
Local Bus from Tampere to Helsinkii"As I board, the driver", Helen Thurloe , single work poetry 8144124 8144124HGFMADTKUO
Splintered Viking Boat Songi"this is not", Helen Thurloe , single work poetry 8144124 8144124SEZACDISLE
Living with Sievei"my words fall through a gully", Helen Thurloe , single work poetry 8144124 8144124EOWQOXCZGV
And Coasti"First you have to pass through the trees", Jane Downing , single work poetry 8144124 8144124BASKMJDGND
March Heatwavei"I’ve been noticing women’s toes. The neighbour’s lawn is a badly cooked naan bread. Someone should invent", Jane Downing , single work poetry 8144124 8144124LGZDCIJZLD
The River Nighti"All the old words are new words", Jill Jones , single work poetry 8144124 8144124AVTVJQVJNJ
The Gap in the Treesi"I’m less articulate than grass.", Jill Jones , single work poetry 8144124 8144124LNQKALGUYF