Jessica Nelson-Tyers Jessica Nelson-Tyers i(12893922 works by)
Gender: Female
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Works By

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1 Something I Can Live With Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2022 single work short story
— Appears in: School Magazine. Blast Off! , May vol. 107 no. 4 2022; (p. 4-8)
1 Two Ways to Brew a Storm Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2022 single work poetry
— Appears in: School Magazine. Touchdown , March vol. 107 no. 2 2022; (p. 17)
1 y separately published work icon Andromeda Spaceways Magazine no. 86 March Jessica Nelson-Tyers (editor), Shelly Nir (editor), 2022 24376129 2022 periodical issue
1 Bottled Spirits Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2021 single work short story fantasy
— Appears in: Cicerone Journal , no. 5 2021;
1 Writers Unearthed : Nikky Lee Jessica Nelson-Tyers (interviewer), 2021 single work interview
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , no. 84 2021; (p. 93-97)
1 Writers Unearthed : Grace Chan Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2021 single work interview
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , June no. 83 2021; (p. 38-41)

'Grace Chan was born in Kuala Lumpur to Malaysian Chinese parents, and grew up in the outer south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. From her bedroom window, she could gaze straight up at the brown hills around Lysterfield and Dandenong. She felt as though her house was right on the border between the known and unknown. Nowadays, Grace still lives in Melbourne suburbia. She has an abiding nostalgia for out-of-date shopping centres, tacky food courts, untrendy restaurants and ungentrified shopping strips.' (Introduction)

1 Writers Unearthed : Ephiny Gale Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2021 single work interview
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , March no. 82 2021; (p. 69-72)
'Ephiny Gale (from Melbourne, Victoria) knew she wanted to be a writer from the age of seven. At first she thought she would accomplish that through poetry or novel writing, then at the age of 16 or 17 she started writing screenplays. At university she became excited about theatre and started to write stage plays and librettos. And finally, at 21, Ephiny learned that it was possible to write and publish short fiction (having previously thought you could only get short fiction published if you were already a famous novelist) and she has been largely concentrating on that for the past decade.' (Introduction)
1 Writers Unearthed : L J Kendall Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2020 single work interview
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , December no. 81 2020; (p. 80-84)
'Luke (L J) Kendall has always wanted to write. He felt he’d know the moment to start, when the big idea or amazing character turned up. That happened for him around 1990, when he started writing, long hand, the first raw draft of Leeth. His wife Stella (an amazing woman) had a PhD in English and was an experienced tech writer, so he was dismayed to receive his first typed-up and polished version of the manuscript pretty well covered in red ink. However, after years more polishing, Luke entered it into the inaugural George Turner Prize, making it to the 1998 shortlist of ten finalists.' (Introduction)
1 Phoenix Pharmaceuticals Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2020 single work short story horror
— Appears in: Cancer 2020;
1 Writers Unearthed : Lachlan Walter Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2020 single work interview
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , September no. 80 2020; (p. 115-122)
'Lachlan Walter spent his childhood in a foggy and ferny town at the outer edge of Melbourne, where the suburbs meet the mountains. When he was ten or eleven years old, his family relocated to the dry, hot and dusty climes of central Victoria. He moved back to Melbourne once he’d finished high school, this time to the inner northern suburbs. Ever since then, he’s divided his time between Melbourne’s inner and middle northern suburbs, and what he considers his old hometown in central Victoria. No matter what, he’ll always consider himself a country boy at heart.' (Introduction)
1 Writers Unearthed : Eugen Bacon Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2020 single work interview
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , September no. 80 2020; (p. 40-42)
1 New Writers Unearthed : Nick Marone Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2020 single work interview
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , June no. 79 2020; (p. 103-106)
'Nick Marone writes science fiction, with a focus on military SF, space opera, and soft SF. He has been writing for as long as he can remember. Nick grew up in Casula, a western suburb of Sydney. Throughout his school life, he loved when teachers gave him writing prompts. The stories flowed so easily. Today, Nick lives on a rural property about an hour’s drive from Canberra and writes to entertain himself and others.' 


1 New Writers Unearthed : Pamela Jeffs Jessica Nelson-Tyers (interviewer), 2020 single work interview
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , June no. 79 2020; (p. 56-59)
'Pamela writes speculative fiction with a focus on science fiction, weird-Western, fantasy, and paranormal. She describes her writing style as emotive and genre bending. She especially likes to play with subverting tropes; reading her work, it’s not uncommon to find dragons in science fiction worlds, or gun-slinging werewolves stalking saloons.' (Introduction)
1 Hit and Rot Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2018 single work short story horror
— Appears in: Breach , no. 8 2018;
1 [Review] The Second Cure Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2018 single work review
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , December no. 73 2018; (p. 181-182)

— Review of The Second Cure Margaret Morgan , 2018 single work novel
1 By Kindle Light Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2018 single work short story science fiction
— Appears in: Antipodean SF , February no. 235 2018;
1 [Review] Harlequin's Riddle Jessica Nelson-Tyers , 2017 single work review
— Appears in: Andromeda Spaceways Magazine , September no. 68 2017; (p. 135-136)

— Review of Harlequin’s Riddle Rachel Nightingale , 2017 single work novel