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* Contents derived from the Fremantle, Fremantle area, South West Perth, Perth, Western Australia,:Fremantle Press , 2018 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Bush Secrets, Tjalaminu Mia , Jessica Lister , single work children's fiction children's
'Debbie has two special secrets, and she definitely doesn't want to share them with her brother Billy. When her grandfather comes to visit though, Sally knows she can trust him with her treasures. And Grandpa has another secret, just for her. It's his special place and Sally is charged with taking care of it, too.' (Source: Fremantle Press website)
Yippee! Summer Holidays, Tjalaminu Mia , Jessica Lister , single work children's fiction children's

'Debbie and Billy just love the summer holidays, especially when their grandfather comes to stay. They have lots of fun racing tyres and telling stories together. But best of all Debbie likes the special times she has with Dada Kean and the wonderful places he shows her.' (Trove)

Barlay!, Cheryl Kickett , single work children's fiction children's

'Sometimes grown ups tell scary stories to teach kids a lesson. And sometimes those scary stories turn out to be true. Sarah, Jay and Rene find out the hard way what sort of tale their nan's woordatj story is when they wander off into the bush despite her warnings.' (Source: Fremantle Press website)

Lucky Thamu, Cheryl Kickett , Jaylon Tucker , single work children's fiction children's

'It’s the school holidays and Eli is off to visit his Thamu. They’re going camping and prospecting too. Eli loves listening to Thamu’s stories and learning about country. Thamu knows lots about everything. But does he know where to find gold, and will Eli strike it lucky?' (Publication summary)