y separately published work icon Australian Aboriginal Studies periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1996... no. 1 1996 of Australian Aboriginal Studies est. 1983 Australian Aboriginal Studies
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* Contents derived from the , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
When Not Writing Is Writing, Jennifer L. Biddle , single work criticism

'There is something strange going on. O n the one hand, Aborigines traditionally were deemed to be 'without writing', a status that remains even if the terms shift currently from that of historical 'pre-literate' to contemporary 'illiterate'. O r so education and government policy, program, and publication suggest.1 Indeed, in this view, the Aborigine's resistance to literacy heralds a certain notoriety, celebrated in the burgeoning of 'oral' histories, 'oral' literatures, and successful entry into electronic media. Even if pejorative connotations are reversed in these 'oral' reckonings, the prognosis remains: Aborigines don't write.' (Publication abstract)

(p. 21-33)
History: Aboriginal Australians : Black Responses to White Dominance 1788-1994; Aboriginal Australia : An Introductory Reader in Aboriginal Studies [Book Review], Geoffrey Gray , single work essay

'Both of these books are introductory texts for Aboriginal history and studies; both are directed towards students, teachers and a more general audience although Aboriginal Australia is far more specific, designed to act as a text for Aboriginal Studies and is an outcome of the Open Learning course, 'Aboriginal Studies: Aboriginal Australia', produced by the University of South Australia, where the three editors work.' (Introduction)

(p. 66-68)
[Review Essay] Obstacle Race : Aborigines in Sport, Bret Harris , single work essay

'When I was an external arts student at the University of New England in Armidale in the early 1980s, I had a professor of politics named Colin Tatz, who made an indelible impression on me with his passion and commitment, perhaps even obsession, for the subject of race relations.' (Introduction)

(p. 69-71)
Book Notes, Kath Schilling , single work essay (p. 75-77)