'Juno_XO and their family are the dominant content creators of their time, working tirelessly to bring you premium content as the world outside slows down, the oceans rise and dust fills the air. As individuals, they’re groundbreaking. As a family, they’re an empire. And they’re well on their way to having all the Points they’ll ever need.
'But when a filming stunt pushes Juno to the limit, the family fractures and the brand is thrown into jeopardy. Each family member navigates their own path through cancellation, rebranding, apologies and public relations crises. And for Juno, it might be the second chance at an honest, private life they never thought they needed.
'A family attempts to salvage their legacy, the world outside scrambles for the Points they need to live the life they want, and in the shadows, whispers emerge of a long-gone heroine who will return to those that worship her…' (Production summary)