y separately published work icon The Saturday Paper newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2017... 23-29 September 2017 of The Saturday Paper est. 2014 The Saturday Paper
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* Contents derived from the , 2017 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Indigenous Photographer Mervyn Bishop, Drew Rooke , single work biography

'Two flowering bottlebrush trees stand in the small front yard of the one-storey beige weatherboard house in Dubbo. As I walk towards the front door, a voice yells out the window: “Come round the back.” The door swings open just before I reach it. Mervyn Bishop, one of Australia’s foremost news photographers, stands smiling.' (Introduction)


[Review Essay] The Last Days of Jeanne D’Arc, JR , single work essay

'It begins with the Maid of Orléans, history’s most charismatic female hero, languishing in an English dungeon. Great ladies glide through and brutish guards hurl abuse, but none suspect her secret: the warrior virgin who led an army and changed the course of history has loved – and been loved in return.' (Introduction)

Jane Harper : Force of Nature, WZ , single work essay

'“Later, the four remaining women could fully agree on only two things. One: No one saw the bushland swallow up Alice Russell. And two: Alice had a mean streak so sharp it could cut you.” Jane Harper sure knows how to start a novel, and with a beginning like that, who could resist?' (Introduction)