'By the time I got to my mum's house I was already starting to think there might be something wrong with me and then Mum asked me how I was and I told her I have this cyst on my back that hurts when I touch it, and Mum said that's disgusting, that's disgusting, how are you going to find a husband if you keep talking like that, if you talk about your body like that, and I said Mum, I don't need to find a husband, I don't expect to find a husband anyway, I tend to only have sex with drunk guys, and Mum grimaced and told me that if I don't respect myself I'll never find a good man, and that if I just met a good man I wouldn't have to humiliate myself, and I said no, Mum, you don't understand, I only have sex with drunk guys because when I cum I make this guttural noise with my throat, it feels like it's coming from my stomach, like a kitchen sink when you drain the water, or like a dying toad, I've had it ever since I was a teenager and it's done nothing but escalate in volume and depth, when I lost my virginity the guys I was with were kind of grossed out, but drunk guys don't seem to notice it because they're drunk and they're usually already asleep by the time I cum, so we all get along, and Mum stood up and pointed to the door and said I told you not to talk like that, get out, and I said alright, and as I walked down the steps I called out and asked if she would prefer it if I lied to her and she said no, I don't want you to lie to me, I just wish you were different.' (Publication abstract)