y separately published work icon Mascara Literary Review periodical issue  
Alternative title: #UNFUNDED
Issue Details: First known date: 2017... no. 20 April 2017 of Mascara Literary Review est. 2007 Mascara Literary Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2017 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Containeri"We conquer hearts like climbing", Adolfo Aranjuez , single work poetry
Road Tripi"In the summer of 1995 my mother and I took", Shastra Deo , single work poetry
Salt, Sugari"You never told me how it happened—bones trembling", Shastra Deo , single work poetry
Home Is the Solace of Small Towns (Springbrook 1991)i"Eucalypts filter light like fly screen", Mindy Gill , single work poetry
Orchid Avenuei"When my grandfather hears the first curlew", Mindy Gill , single work poetry
The Wreck of the Heartlandi"You have chosen your compass for this voyage.", Paul Dawson , single work poetry
The Honeyeatersi"“I am half a soul.”", T. J. Wilkshire , single work poetry
Dear Father,i"At morning –", T. J. Wilkshire , single work poetry
The Sun Was As Yellow As Her Wash Soapi"Sometimes I feel glad no one", Annie Blake , single work poetry
You Like The Smiths?i"there’s someone in class today who looks like", Danny Silva Soberano , single work poetry
Watching the Curry Van at Margaret River Mouthi"watchsprings", R. D. Wood , single work poetry
Departi"Your death is a soft, green wing. Velvet spun by sun.", Anne Walsh , single work poetry
Venetian Lullabyi"You gaze from your cot at the belltower", Paul Munden , single work poetry
Four Posteri"The frame was hung with tapestries. If he lay", Paul Munden , single work poetry
Five Untitled Prose Poemsi"Thoughts bother the night, they’re out of control. He tells himself the thing he’s thinking about", Owen Bullock , single work poetry
So Much Fruit…i"You look so odd in this backyard", Anita Patel , single work poetry
Apples and Chilliesi"Last night I heard a woman talk about apples.", Anita Patel , single work poetry
In Australia, It Rotates Counter-Clockwisei"Plok! And a galaxy of yellow brown muck splashed into being. No longer pristine, the water in the", Angela Serrano , single work poetry
Bleachers on Beaches, Dave Drayton , single work poetry
White Meati"you are in no state to learn", Dave Drayton , single work poetry